SUMMARY: Joseph R. McCarthy and Andrei Ya. Vyshinsky were right. We are surrounded by traitors, spies, saboteurs, and wreckers. Last year I warned about the dangers of the systematic betrayal and sellout of this country that seem to be underway at the highest levels of the Trump campaign. Though my words were pooh-poohed at the time, particularly by Democrats who were more afraid of being thought tainted by “McCarthyism” then they were of losing what might be an existential election in our history, my fears have been borne out. Every policy undertaken by the Trump administration has been tainted with treason. The policy direction of the United States under Donald Trump is not in America’s interest, but that of Russia. The revelations of the nature and extent of Trump and his associates’ connection with the Moskovsky Kremlin are rapidly approaching critical mass for probable cause to believe the treason has been committed and that Trump and his personnel have committed it. Trumpism, as I warned last year, is treason.
Joseph R. McCarthy and Andrei Ya. Vyshinsky were right. We are surrounded by traitors, spies, saboteurs, and wreckers.
In June, 2016, I posted in this blog a warning that Trumpism is treason. The better part of year later, my warning has been vindicated and largely borne out by events. The amount of aid and comfort which has flowed from the Trump, or should I say Trumpov, administration to the Kremlin has been astonishing, frightening, and, thankfully, the subject of increasing scrutiny by the media. By the media, whom gospodin Trumpov has insistently characterized in Leninist terms as “enemies of the people.”
Last June, I suggested that gospodin Trumpov’s uncritical support for Brexit was intended to provide aid and comfort to the Kremlin’s ongoing Kriegßpiel against the West, to the Kremlin’s effort, underway since 1949, to fracture the Atlantic alliance and the generations long project of European unity that was French statesman Robert Schuman’s lifework.
I suggested also that gospodin Trumpov’s ongoing and continuous critique of NATO, and his uncritical admiration for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, together with his “policy” formulations on the American position in Asia were all intended to affect a diminishment of American stature, American authority, and American power, not only in the region but also worldwide.
To these ominous and lowering warning signs we may now add a further and much more comprehensive bill of particulars.
The steady drip, drip, drip of revelations concerning the contacts of people in or close to the Trumpov administration, including quondam National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Reichsleiter Jared Kushner, Atty. Gen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, campaign advisers Paul Manafort, J.D. Gordon, and Carter Page, Trumpov sons Uday and Qusay (Donald, Jr. and Eric), Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross, and Trumpov dirty trickster Roger Stone, with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Russian banking/business interests, or agencies of the Russian government itself, has continued, slowly accumulating toward a critical mass which would justify any federal grand jury in the country in returning a true bill of indictment for treason against some, or all, of the senior leaders of the Trumpov administratsiya. (Since we appear to have been the victims of a hostile takeover, we may all have to start learning to Russianize our vocabulary.)
In short, we have been betrayed at the highest levels by those who now occupy the highest levels of government in this country.
As Thomas Jefferson once put it, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
THE BORDER WALL: By insisting upon building a foolish and useless border wall along the Mexican border, Trumpov and his administratsiya have managed single-handedly to degrade our relationship with México to the point of rupture. Relations between the White House and Los Pinos are at a low point not seen since the days of Woodrow Wilson and Victoriano Huerta. The prime beneficiaries of any rupture between the United States and México are, of course, Beijing and the Kremlin. The red Chinese and the Russians will be happy to occupy the vacuum engendered by the diplomatic falling out between Washington City and México City engineered by Trumpov and his alt-right racist, Russophile, supporters.
TRUMPCARE: The Republican effort to roll back Obamacare, as the Affordable Care Act has come to be known, is nothing more than a gratuitous effort to undo one of the cornerstones of Barack Obama’s legislative legacy. However, by depriving millions of Americans of healthcare, the administratsiya not only condemns those millions of Americans to sickness and possible death, but it also provides aid and comfort to the Kremlin in the process. It is in Russia’s state interest if millions of Americans are too sick to participate in the American economy or to stand watch at the walls of the West. A sick America is a weak America. A weak America is one that lacks sufficient strength to withstand the lascivious oglings of Adam-zad, the bear that walks like a man, with whom, Rudyard Kipling once warned us, we should make no truce.
THE END OF INTERNET PRIVACY: The extent to which the Kremlin benefits from the end of Internet privacy could not be more clear. By permitting Internet providers to sell the search history of subscribers, the Trumpov administratsiya has extended an engraved invitation to phony business concerns fronting for Russian intelligence, or to American law enforcement, to buy from Internet service providers information which would otherwise be barred to them by American trade regulations or, in the case of American law enforcement, by the Fourth Amendment.
THE DONALD’S UNCRITICAL ATTITUDE TOWARD VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH: Gospodin Trumpov’s unwillingness to say anything at all even slightly critical of the Russian strongman strongly suggests, to the point of probable cause to support criminal prosecution, that the allegations contained in the so-called Steele dossier are at least partially true, and that the Russians have assembled a considerable amount of kompromat on gospodin Trumpov which renders him susceptible to blackmail, and thus to Kremlin control.
THE DONALD’S CURIOUS LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE: If insulting our neighbors immediately to the south was not bad enough, The Donald’s insulting behavior toward German Chancellor Angela Merkel stands as yet another demonstration of his status as the Kremlin’s poodle. Our relationship with the Bundesrepublik has been a foundation of our foreign policy for nearly 70 years. Indeed, our commitment to the Atlantic alliance and our till-recent wholehearted support of the European unity project have been part not only of our foreign policy, but also of the foreign policies of the rest of the world as well. By behaving toward Chancellor Merkel like a wiseguy from a Mafia protection racket, gospodin Trumpov has not only demonstrated his fundamental lack of respect for our Atlantic alliance partners, but also his fundamental preferential option for the thug in the Kremlin. If this does not give aid and comfort to the Russian state, then nothing does.
THE DONALD’S HOSTILITY TOWARD CRUCIAL AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS: Now, a certain reasoned skepticism toward the institutions of American civil society is not, in and of itself, treasonable. One may criticize the judiciary if one disagrees with the reasoning of a judicial opinion or with the proclivities of a judicial nominee. But what one must not do, particularly not if one occupies a high-ranking post in the executive branch of the government, is to attack the legitimacy of the judiciary per se. By attacking federal District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, impugning his integrity because the Hoosier-born judge presiding over the Trump University fraud case is of Mexican heritage, and by attacking “so-called” District Judge James Robart for ruling against him in Washington v. Trump, gospodin Trumpov has given aid and comfort to the Kremlin through his outrageous contempt of court, by which he intended to, and did, call the legitimacy of the Courts of the United States into question.
In addition to attempting to delegitimize the Courts of the United States, The Donald has also given aid and comfort to the enemies of freedom worldwide by attacking the American media, one of the freest and most fearless in the world. The freedom of the American press is one of the greatest, noblest attributes of our society, its freedom to speak truth to power is an essential component of American liberty and formidable to tyrants only. Once again, attacking the legitimacy and the critical structural role of our media does nothing to help the American people, but instead gives a boost to Vladimir Vladimirovich and his Kremlin thugs.
One could go on with a lengthy bill of particulars against gospodin Trumpov and his administratsiya; at the risk of sounding like Soviet show trials prosecutor Andrei Ya. Vyshinsky, every single thing this administration does is touched by and tainted with treason and betrayal. If there are “spies, saboteurs, and wreckers” at every level of the federal government, it is only because gospodin Trumpov and his associates have worked to place them there.
But as much as there are indeed spies, saboteurs, and wreckers at every level of government in the United States and the West, Americans still don’t like to contemplate that possibility. Indeed, Democrats, members of my own party, have been so conditioned over the last 60 years to reject and oppose anything that smacks of “McCarthyism” that the administratsiya and their Republican fellow travelers on Capitol Hill and throughout Washington City have managed to co-opt “McCarthyism” into their arsenal, using it as a weapon to try to shut down any efforts by Democrats or left-leading media to call the nation’s attention to the systematic treason that is being perpetrated inside the Beltway.
Because we have been so conditioned to reject anything that smacks of “McCarthyism,” we Democrats tend, when confronted with allegations that we are involved in some sort of so-called witch hunt, to go into a crouch and piss all over ourselves, floating away on waves of our own fear pee, terrified of being thought complicit in “McCarthyism” or witch hunting. Our reluctance to embrace the hard teaching that Joe McCarthy was right to be worried about subversion (even if his methodology and execution were morally blameworthy), or the equally hard teaching that sometimes subversion is real, and that it extends to the highest levels of government, crippled Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
When the Donald openly asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, that should have been an immediate disqualifying moment. His party either lacked sufficient courage or sufficient fundamental loyalty to this country to tell The Donald that he could no longer be their standard bearer. Though Trump’s call was accurately characterized at the time as manifesting criminal intent, the GOP chose to put party over country, to put the Kremlin over the Capitol, to all intents and purposes running up the Russian flag over the Capitol building and Trump Tower.
Despite such obvious GOP disloyalty to this country to invite Russia, and of course WikiLeaks to commit plundering, criminal forays into the DNC, into Hillary Clinton, and, indeed, into the email accounts and Twitter feeds of loyal Americans everywhere, the Clinton campaign was too fearful of the decades of “anti-McCarthy” conditioning to which Democrats had subjected themselves to take the gloves off and proceed to destroy Trumpov so comprehensively that The Donald would have been a grease spot on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower by the time the proceedings were over.
Instead, Hillary let herself be guided, nay, misled, by the counsels of cowardice which preemptively equated any attack on gospodin Trumpov with McCarthyism and witch hunts. The Clinton campaign knew or should have known that the weapon of “McCarthyism” would be deployed against them no matter what they did. Indeed, WikiLeaks and the traitor Julian Assange --who have never had anything at all even slightly unkind to say about Russia or Vladimir Vladimirovich– were quick to deploy exactly such a weapon.
What Hillary and her campaign staff should have done would have been to take a leaf out of the Republican book, coming out forthrightly with a ringing declaration that the country was in danger, and that Joe McCarthy had indeed been right.
By pulling their punches, by not exploiting the endless opportunities Trump had given them to shape the narrative, by constantly letting themselves be put on the defensive, the Hillary Clinton campaign managed to lose an election they were overwhelmingly favored to win by every single polling outfit in the country.
But the piss poor performance of the Clinton campaign is not our subject. The fact remains, as has been suggested hereinabove, that we have been, and are being, betrayed and sold out at the highest levels. The direction of American policy is not in America’s interest, but in Russia’s. We may only hope that before this country slips away from us entirely, our besieged and beleaguered institutions will rally against the Russian traitor and usurper currently residing in the White House.
This country faces an existential crisis.
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