I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- AND I WILL BE HEARD.
-William Lloyd Garrison
First editorial in The Liberator
January 1, 1831

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Summary: In this morning’s edition of the New York Times, Donald Trump laid out his treasonable plans either to extort vast sums of money from our NATO partners in exchange for American protection or sell them to the Kremlin if they won’t pony up. This article merely reinforces what I have been saying for a very long time: Donald Trump and his supporters are traitors to this country. They are giving aid and support to enemies national and that falls within the constitutional definition of treason. Grand juries should be empaneled throughout the country to investigate, indict, and refer for prosecution the numerous enemies of this country that Donald Trump and his supporters have become.

Newsflash: Donald Trump is talking treason, like the traitor he is.

An article in this morning’s New York
Times,  lays bare the sickening treason at the heart of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The article, and the related transcript accessible (through the NYT website) demonstrate that Trump, that Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon, views NATO as nothing more than a protection racket. (Find the link here: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/21/us/politics/donald-trump-issues.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news )

Apparently, in Trump world, if you don’t pay the United States the protection money that Trump demands, he will be willing to hand you over to the tender mercies of Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin.

With respect to the Baltic states, this is the worst sort of calculated blackmail. In 1940, the Soviet Union forcibly absorbed Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. For half a century after that, cold warriors in the United States used to commemorate so-called “captive Nations week,” taking themselves to the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian Embassy in it in Washington city to engage in symbolic protests designed to convey America’s “disapproval” all the Soviet takeover of the Baltic states.

When the Baltic states regained their independence with the breakup of the Soviet Union, the whole raison d’être for Captive Nations Week went away
as the Baltic States celebrated anew the freedom they had known from the fall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917 to the Soviet invasion of 1940. Membership in NATO was intended, in large measure, to ensure that the governments in Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius could go about their business, and the peoples of the Baltic States could go about their business,  no longer hagridden by the fear of a Russian coup de main against them.

Since the accession of Vladimir Putin to the presidency of Russia, the Kremlin has been making ominous noises about being prepared to undertake just such a coup de main.

 Enter the Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon Donald Trump. Let’s recall for a moment how Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have formed a noisome and disturbing mutual admiration society. Add to that The Donald’s prior statements of praise for Putin, his prior advocacy of withdrawing the American tripwire force from South Korea, which would, of course, constitute an open invitation to Kim Jong-Un and the North Koreans to march right South from the DMZ.

And if they do, what of Japan? As Prussian advisor Major Klemens Meckel put it nearly 130 years ago, Korea is a dagger pointed to the heart of Japan. What was true during the Meiji period is true during the Heisei rain of the Meiji Emperor’s reigning great-grandson. Yet, the shitgibbon is apparently willing to abandon our vital strategic interests in Korea, presumably unless he can extort from them ---and from the Japanese--- a great deal of money to pay for the defense of East Asia against Kim Jong-un and presumably Xi Jinping as well.

The Donald’s disturbing willingness to play fast and loose with the national security interests of the United States, particularly when it comes to our declared adversaries, falls squarely within the constitutional definition of treason (art III, § 2). A strong that constitutional case can be made that Trump, by telegraphing the potential weakness of NATO to our Russian adversaries, and by telegraphing the potential weakness of our alliance with South Korea to Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping, has given aid and comfort to enemies national.

To the extent that he is done so, there is probable cause for any grand jury anywhere in the country, but most likely in the Eastern District of Virginia, notorious for its expertise in national security cases and for its so-called Rocket Docket, to conclude that treason has been committed, that Donald Trump and his campaign committed it, and that a true bill therefor should therefore issue.

Let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that this American citizen dares to exercise his constitutionally guaranteed petition right to suggest that Donald Trump has committed treason, and to denounce him therefor as “the notoriousest traitor,” not excepting Benedict Arnold, that ever lived in America. Donald Trump's New York Times interview demonstrates that we are dealing with a new version of Aaron Burr.

But as much as we may be dealing with a 21st-century iteration of Aaron Burr, we must also deal with his supporters. At common law, there are no degrees of accessory liability in treason. Every person involved in treason or in a treasonable conspiracy is liable to prosecution and conviction AS A PRINCIPAL. Thus, it would be reasonable for the Department of Justice to empanel federal grand juries in every federal judicial district, all over the country, with a view to returning true bills of indictment for treason against all significant, vocal, Donald Trump supporters.

It may sound like a witch hunt, but it’s actually nothing more and nothing less than a necessary prophylaxis to protect this country from being taken over in a hostile takeover bid by the Russian government. It has been for generations of settled policy goal of the Soviet Union and of Putin’s Russia to acquire what amounts to a controlling interest in the United States government. 

With, God forbid, a President Trump in the White House, America would be owned, lock, stock, and barrel, by the Kremlin. Europe would be a perpetual hostage, always in pawn to the Russian bear, to Adam-zad, with whom Rudyard Kipling once warned us, we should make us no truce.

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